Hi everyone! I hope that you've all had a nice Christmas, mine was really chilled this year. In fact it didn't even really feel like Christmas to me because I was working so much over the xmas period. I've been home from uni from about 3 weeks now and I am going back to Bristol tonight for New years!

Anyways, I wanted to leave my final 2016 post on a high by telling you all '5 things that 2016 has taught me'. 

1. It's okay to be different, it is only recently that I've discovered more about myself in terms of what I like wearing and what I like doing. Often the clothing that I wear lately, would receive disapproving looks from on lookers due to it being different and standing out from the crowd. I have acknowledged and accepted this and now do not care what those people think.

2. To appreciate just how much my parents actually do for me, in particular when I've come home from catering for myself at uni, I've noticed the amount of time and effort that my parents put into preparing food for me, washing my clothes and tidying my bedroom. I am eternally grateful for this. 

3. Boys aren't the be all and end all, this year in particular has opened my eyes so much relationship wise. I now know that it is okay to be by myself and not to rely on a man for anything. I am quite independent anyway but it has taken me a while to separate myself from irrelevant, toxic people in my life. I now feel refreshed because I am focusing on myself and no one else. 

4. I need to stop self-doubting myself, this is a big one for me because I have done it my whole life and it is only now, upon reflection that I have fully acknowledged this and will take steps to improve it. Instead of asking multiple questions, I should just trust my instincts and go with that because most of the time they're right anyway. 

5. Not to believe everything that I see on social media platforms such as Instagram. People only post what they want you to see, they don't show you the bad sides of their face, body and even lives. I need to stop believing that if I have a tiny waist and small hips that I will be instantly happy because it just doesn't work like that; and half of these 'Instagram famous models' are just as insecure as I am. I need to LOVE myself  before I can even consider loving anyone else. 

Sorry, I know it was only a short blog post but I just wanted to vent my thoughts and end 2016 on a positive note :)

Hope you all have a great New years and stay safe xx

Thanks for reading lovely's 

Love Leah xx


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